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Oh dear Peter -

The last time we saw you was in June of this year and your parting words to me were “Please keep in touch, I want to be there for you in this challenging time”. I reached out to share the news that Mike and I are both employed now and when I didn’t hear back from you, I knew something was not as it should be. I learned that you were home from the hospital but very weak. Today, Bethany’s email offering an opportunity to send a living tribute hit me hard as there is no way to sum up the impact you’ve had on my life but I will try to bring some highlights here.

Last week, I was showing Noah, now almost 14, a photo of himself at age 2 with Pete Seeger at my alma matter when Pete came to do a talk with song shortly after Toshi passed away. Noah has no recollection of this meeting. I am grateful to say that Noah has many memories of you, dear Peter, and he is at an age where those memories will stay with him.

When you invited me to come and work with Operation Respect, I went and spoke with the principal of the school I was teaching in and explained that I needed to leave my position as working with the DLAM program was a once in a lifetime opportunity. She understood and jokingly said “but he has to come sing for the kids first”. I relayed that message and within a couple of days, you were in a taxi on your way up to the Bronx to sing for/with a handful of the classes that I had already started introducing the DLAM curriculum to. This was a classic Peter. Someone, somewhere has a need and you do what you can to help. Over the years, the work of Operation Respect has remained dear to my heart but dearer is the truly remarkable man I got to know. Seeing you over the years has kept some part of my inner need to know things were really going to be okay, alive. The hope was ignited each time. Not only personal hope but hope for our communities, our country and the world. Each time, a reminder that there are people like you, the very best humanity has to offer, who live being lead by their heart and making the connections that need to be made to make change happen!

Fast forward to March of 2020 and the world came to “the great pause”. We didn’t know which end was up or where we were going. Your zoom calls, where we all talked and sang together, had more of an impact on my family than you could ever know. My mom joined in from Massachusetts and we joined in from Connecticut as we were not gathering together in person in those early days because we didn’t want to risk doing anything that could risk my octogenarian mother’s life. Those zooms kept our spirits up and gave us hope that despite all else, we would all be okay and carry on as the sweet survivors we are!

Just last week, Noah’s music teacher reached out to say that the class is going to transition from orchestra to guitar classes as "the 8th grade class curriculum delves into the rich heritage of The American Civil Rights Era. This shift in musical focus will allow students to study, play and sing songs that embody the spirit of this pivotal time in our history, fostering both musical growth and cultural understanding.” She went on to say that what they have planned is “historically significant and thought provoking music of Pete Seeger, Wood Guthrie and more”. Noah and I talked about your role in The Civil Rights Movement. Noah grew up with your presence in his life and understands how remarkable you are in the bigger picture, far more than just the man who called himself “Uncle Peter” when Noah was a younger boy. The first thing I thought of when I got the email from Noah’s teacher was - I know that if Peter was well and I asked, he would hop in a car and share with Noah’s class his first hand experiences with what they are studying and sing with them, just like he hopped in that taxi to sing in the Bronx.

My mother wrote a “Letter to The Editor” last month, they accepted it and held it until after the election. In the letter, she talked about how we need to come together and heal and not live in the divide. She introduced people to Braver Angels and provided a link to their site. This was another part of our lives that came thru you; my mom is involved with Braver Angels as a result of your sharing about the work you were doing with them and introducing us to them.

With that, I want to thank you for being the shining star that you have been in my life and my family’s life! We are grateful for you and all the better for the connection to you!

With much love and admiration,

Tahri (Gang)  

Peter - it’s jaimee king, Linda Carroll Barraud’s daughter.
I just want to thank you for all you’ve been to our family - to this world.
I don’t know if you recall the story, but long before we met you personally, I took my little boy to your concert at a park in San Francisco. You had all the kids come to the stage, and just as you started to play, the most horrible screeching of static occurred. To my horror, I loved and saw my 2year old holding both ends to the amp cord that he’d yanked out with delight making that awful noise. I was mortified and ran up to grab him, and you just smiled, plugged the amp back in, and went back to it. In inconsequential event, but a core memory.
And now, we have more. You playing music with your lovely children at the ranch and at mom’s house - you playing for mom at her birthday party this year by zoom. You show up so completely. You’re a gift to our world, a gift to my family - thank you for everything.
Much love,
Jaimee King   

We have all been so very blessed to have Peter in all of our lives for so many years. We have unforgettable happy memories of love, music, laughter, joy, shared meals, and deeply meaningful shared passions and hopefulness, even during challenging times. We saw the deep fatherly love and pride he felt for Bethany & Christopher during visits and performances at Rancho La Puerta. His deep love and compassion extended to all of us who were so honored to be included in his circle of friends, that became an integral part of his extended family. Peter & Puff have a shared magical dragon spirit that can never be extinguished, and will always have a warmly embraced presence in our hearts, that we will cherish and pass on to future generations. Godspeed our beloved dragons, Peter & Puff, our love will always be with you, accompanying you on your heavenly journeys.

- Joseph, Nancy, Danielle, Jeremy, Lizzy, Courie, Indy, Ridley, & Ayla Weiss

I saw the photo of you singing to my brother in his hospital bed with a circle of family and friends around you. I was devastated that I had not been there been there.
And Lo And Behold a year after my brother’s death, I was singing Puff the Magic Dragon with you, at Alex’s gravesite in 2003 for my brother’s yartzeit.
This memory added to so many others shines with your love and generosity. Your remarkable way of engaging moments of sorrow and turning them towards strength, towards unity, celebration and tenderness, in the spirit of we shall overcome. You walk into the grieving Spaces after a school shooting and create healing magic You dare to bring that twinkle in your eyes and face down monstrosities.
Of all the times that I have sung your songs through the years and all the ways your songs have carried me since I learned to play the guitar when I was 12 years old, my favorite memory is singing all the songs in Peter, Paul, and Mommy over and over again with Emily when she was four or five years old and we were driving back-and-forth to the ranch from our cabin in the mountains. The time would fly by. In these last days and hours I pray that your soul travels well, knowing that you will be remembered with great love and that your songs will continue to flow through us in sorrow and in joy. Dearest Peter, thank you for being in my life.

- Sarah Brightwood

I am tiny, maybe 4, twirling around singing along with you, Paul and Mary. I love you.

I learn so much through the songs that you sing. You hold my tiny hand, and shape my voice, values and heart— even as we had not yet met.

My high school and college years at University of Oregon: I sing your songs to myself through moments of my life. Scary, hard, beautiful, resolved. Your voice and mine are merged.

I sing your songs to my babies. They learn about beauty and pain and their job as healthy citizens of this planet and stewards of the earth. Your voice still finds me, I am a young adult. Your words still teach me and help me become more courageous and stay kind.

I am sitting with you at the ranch. We sing together. My heart is home and filled with joy. We are in the same room. We are at the same table. We share food and words. You have become a dear, dear family friend. You are every bit as magical as my tiny self imagined— and more— and I love you— more.

I am at Sundance film festival with you. You bring me places with you. I talk about bullying prevention. You teach me even more. You feed me. You teach me new things. We see other artists and You show impeccable respect. You take me to my first Jewish experience. You are generous and kind and consistently humane. You are also very funny and fun.

You show up. You sing. You get the room laughing. After such an event at our la jolla home, people write me thank you’s for weeks. It is all you. You bring people to the center of our hearts, remind us of our souls, and flood the spaces that you are in with love. People write me, “it was a spiritual experience to be with you and Peter and everyone in that room.” People remember that they are each sacred around you— that we are each sacred.

You are my hero, my heartbeat and my beloved friend. I hold hands with you at the edge of a field of wildflowers, and I breathe us both. You are held as you have held. Your footsteps continue. I hear you around corners, in guitars, in record players, streaming, and in bubbling creeks in the mountain towns.

I love you forever and I am more me because I have had the privilege of being here with you.

I hear you in the children in the yard next door, they sing, “five, ten, fifteen, twenty…”

I love you, Peter Yarrow, my Uncle Peter. I am hugging and kissing you right now, feeling your goodness lift this world. We are better beings because you've been one of us. You have done so very well. So very, very well by all of us. A champion of humanity indeed.

Forever yours,
Nicole Jon Sievers

You were kind, generous, and professional when we first met at your guest artist spot at The Flagpole Radio Cafe show in Newtown, CT.

Two years later, when our lives and hearts were torn apart and we were so deep underwater in grief and sadness, you were selfless in your love and care for us. You came to our home and cried with us, held us, and sang with us. You kept us in your mind and heart in the years that followed and we are honored and so grateful to have had that time with you and your many healing gifts and those of your family. Your dedication to those who need help and a voice lifted in song is unparalleled and one of the greatest gifts the universe has given us is to have had you by our side when we could not stand. Thank you for everything, Peter, we love you very much.

—David and Francine Wheeler  

Peter, you are my treasured partner in crime in all things Nantucket – whether at Harris Wofford's wedding on the beach where you played so magnificently, or at our home in Sconset where you graced us for several years as our most accomplished and fun and musically gifted chef and house guest. The concerts there which you always welcomed enthusiastically transported so many lucky Nantucket friends who talk about them all the time and wonder when are we doing another with the fabulous Peter Yarrow. Best of all among so many memories is the time you sang for our supper literally – on the docks with the astounded and thrilled fisherman family, which talks about you to this day– you sang the whole of Puff and we were given about 15 huge freshly caught bluefish fillets and you kindly sat for hours in our kitchen and made them into a gigantic bowl of fabulous bluefish salad which we shared widely! I play your music all the time and you are with me so often therefore. Love you love love love love love you, my dearest dragon friend for so many decades. Thank you for the incredible joy you've brought to me and to so many lucky people on this planet. Your music always has the ability to make me float and laugh and smile and it always will. Love you to bits and pieces, dearest friend Peter,
Elizabeth Vale  

Peter you are a deeply dear and beloved friend to me and my family. I’ll never forget the first time I met you. I was around 20 years old, and I was a bit nervous. You had become friends with my parents who spoke adoringly of time spent together, but still I knew you from having grown up with your music, and I knew you as a famous and brilliant musician and activist. I’ll never forget how you immediately disarmed me with an abundant and playful generosity of spirit. You extended to me the most welcoming open-heartedness, and you took my hand and spun me around while singing my name in an intentionally goofy voice. My nerves disappeared and to me, you were family.

Over the years, I’ve come to understand that this moment was essentially you. You have an absolutely extraordinary capacity for loving kindness, and you bring this out in other people. Your inner child greets the inner child of another. We often go through the world distancing ourselves from others, and both expecting and creating exclusion. To know you is to experience the gift and the power of inclusion, and to be inspired to share that with others.

I’ve been in awe of how your intent and practice are to expand your circle of love. As I think back on the amazing times spent with you, and with Bethany and Valentina, and with my parents and brothers and my niece and nephew… talking, listening, singing, laughing, supporting each other, being together … and the many wonderful concerts, and your touching work to prevent bullying and the countless impactful events you performed at to support good causes and good friends and to stand up for those who need it…. I can see it all framed this way. We have been so incredibly lucky to gather together in a circle of love, in your circle of love. I am so deeply grateful to you.

The circle of love is ever expanding. It has become a transformative force of its own. You are forever the source of its profound radiance.

Peter- thank you for your presence, your heart, your friendship, your music, your love, and for showing all of us the way to each other.

-Jordanna Polis Schutz

Peter, You have touched and influenced my life since I was 11 years old. I could play guitar back then (1964) and I tried to emulate all of your wonderful finger-picking guitar passages. In that same year I had my first paying gig, playing; Blowing in the Wind, If I had a Hammer, etc. I was paid five bucks which felt like a fortune. Fast forward to a year ago when you called me to invite me to accompany you & Noel on mandolin and guitar. During that initial call, I relayed the above story to you and without missing a beat, you said:"So where's my commission?"....your sharp-witted, gentle, humor had me in an instant. I already knew that I loved your musicality, and you were one of the guiding beacons of social justice that has helped to illuminate a path for me...and for all of us, really, so I knew that working with you was going to be really special, but I didn't yet know how truly special it would be. You welcomed me in like a long lost brother. I treasure the times we sat in your apartment, playing guitars, eating Chinese food, discussing the world. You were a "hero' when I was 10, and now at age 71, you remain a hero to, but more importantly, a friend that I love. Weave me the Sunshine, dear Brother Peter, you're forever in my heart. -Gordon 

Dear Peter, you are a dear friend to so many people and I am honored to be one. After loving Peter, Paul and Mary for decades, I had the honor of volunteering at the National Association of Elementary School Principals convention in San Francisco when Peter, Paul and Mary introduced the anti-bullying program, Operation Respect, based on the Steve Seskin and Allen Shamblin song "Don't Laugh At Me" . Shortly after, you presented it to the California State PTA (Parent Teacher Association) Convention. As the San Francisco PTA president, I turned to the friend next to me and said I want to get Peter to our Founder's Day dinner and forgetting that magic happens, I added, "yeah, right!" Of course it did happen and you presented the program to the San Francisco Unified School District back to school rally for all of the teachers. Peter, you fill my heart with joy and love. You are the best hugger! I love you for all that you are including your strong commitment to social justice. One of your projects that moves me deeply, because it helps immigrant families in multiple ways, is One Story At a Time. My talks and meals with you are important moments in my life. My son Coleman, has known and loved you since he was in 5th grade and I love how you connected with Coleman from the start. A bonus of being your friend has been getting to know some of your family, friends, and fans, including Bethany, Valentina, and Tony Arancio. I love Brenda Goldman and her family. The most recent time we saw one another was in March, 2024 in Monterey, California where you and Noel performed. After the concert you greeted us at the front of the stage and you said to me, Sherrie, come here. You have to meet these amazing musicians who live near you, Judi Jaeger and Bob Reid. You are going to love them. Of course, you are right. I've been to two of their concerts virtually already and hope to see them in person soon. I love you deeply, Peter, and am eternally grateful that you are in the world making it a better place and in my life bringing me joy and so much more.  

- Sherrie Rosenberg

So many stories to share!!!
We grew up on Peter, Paul and Mary. From the day their first album was out their music filled our home. My late mother taught elementary school music and although she studied opera and concert piano she loved folk music.
Peter has said she was a product of her times…a “closet Commie”…remember??? as she taught us the entire Pete Seeger canon as well. But Peter, Paul and Mary was her go to and ours….we learned and still them all…every last one and since I also know his latest.
As I grew older their songs took on more and more meaning for me and by the time I was a teenager and involved in Anti-War activities their songs and singing were my prayers and still are. I seriously wore out the grooves in my LPs.
I got married and moved to Israel. In June of 1983 they gave a concert in the Sultan’s Pools under the wall of the Old City. We were there…with a big crowd and a bottle of wine. It was magic. And then, as I recalled, it, Peter took a piece of paper and taped it to the mike. He explained that he had written a new verse and wanted to make sure he got it right. He then said…I have denied my heritage for many years….under the walls of the Old City, in the Holy City of Jerusalem I declare that I am back. And then they sang “Light One Candle” which has become our Chanukah theme song and we have been blessed by Peter singing it for/with us, in “modern times” at our home on Chanukah as well.
Bottom line….so I remembered the story. I might also add that my wife’s, Debbie, late father was a well-known Israeli government official of the time. He met them before the concert and brought us home a signed LP…
We continued our love for their music. Taught our children every song. Never met them. always from a distance.
Then, Peter…this is where the real story starts…..David Broza….Peter’s dear friend and fellow musician…called me and asked if I’d like to meet Peter…knowing my obsession with the music.
After I hyperventilated I said…hell yes and a new chapter in our lives was written.
When we met, I asked Peter..if I remembered the story correctly….he teared up and gave me the whole amazing back story and we have been together ever since and Peter will be forever!!!
That day began the most amazing Friday Night Shabbat Dinners at our place with your holy singing….great stories for another post…I could write a book…..meetings in diners….Italian restaurants….your apartment on the UWS.
You brought me into powerful projects like Better Angels….fighting Anti-Semitism…..political activism – where you would begin, on zoom, with a song of course, I’d speak about the power of voting and getting the vote out and of course you’d end with a song….If I had a Hammer and Blowing In The Wind always….Debbie used to listen and said it was like watching a movie about the 6o’s it was so powerful.
And so much more!!!! not to mention my Birthday Parties!!!! LOL……blew everyone’s mind that Peter Yarrow sang and ended by leading the crowd already singing with you in Happy Birthday.
Peter, you bless us….make our life’s better…..increase our conscience……changed us……you are the Holy Dragon and “Dragons live forever”!!!!!
We love you!!!!! Dear Pessach….we love you!!!!!!

- David Sable

It's with a heavy/loving heart I look back at my beautiful memories of my precious friend Peter. When I was 13 (1963) attended my first P, P & M concert. Exiting down a back stairwell, Peter appeared, spoke with me, offering a memorable moment. In later years we became friends seeing him a few times a year. He and his kids were my Thanksgiving guests in Vail, CO. Friendship allowed invitations on a few Human Rights Project congressional delegations. One to the middle east leading him to start his own 501c3, "Operation Respect" after witnessing the separation of young people due to religious differences. He knew more joined than separated them. God bless Peter! Can't imagine the world without him and all his love for humanity. Love and endless blessings my dearest, precious friend. When you leave for your new dimension I pray to feel your presence every day!! XOXO  

- Michelle Jourdak

My friendship with my very dear friend Peter has been an important part of my life for the past 20 years. He represents so much that is good and needed in the world, and I admire him as much as anyone I have ever known.
Intelligence. Humor. Veracity, Integrity. Action. Bravery. These all describe Peter. But the word I most associate with him is passion. Make that Passion, with a capital P.
Not long after we met, Peter asked me to be on his Operation Respect Board. "But do not join unless you have passion for it," he said. "I want people with a passion for what we do."
I was honored to be asked, and happy to accept. However, on the day I was to first go to Peter's house to meet the rest of the board, my marriage exploded. In shock and dismay, I called Peter and told him I was unable to go. Not only did he offer words of solace and wisdom, but continued to do so in the months ahead, helping me through a very difficult time.
And that is Peter. Known for his musical and humanitarian work on a global scale, he is also able to relate on an intimate, personal one, showing that he hears you and he cares. He is truly one of a kind.
There are many individuals who speak of the concerns of the world; Peter acts upon them. He has been tireless in his work with the downtrodden, the underserved, the oppressed. And it is always with a song, a song that he shares with us all, and in doing so, he gives us hope.
He is also my phone buddy, with whom I can discuss politics and other shared interests for long periods of time.
I love Peter. I hope he knows it, because I truly do.

- Dolores Eyler

While Pater and I had a long overlapping history (for example, we were both at the Washington DC Vietnam War protest in 1971), we did not actually meet until 2010 when he was invited to Ukraine by Peace Corps Volunteers when I was their country director. At his first concert for the Volunteers, I ended up on stage joining him on “If I Had a Hammer.” I uploaded a photo of that memorable occasion! Peter inspired the Volunteers with his Operation Respect messages and came back many times over the next few years.

Peter and I reconnected in 2019 when he did a benefit concert with Noel Paul Stookey at the Lebanon (NH) Opera House. He greeted me with a warm hug and told me about Braver Angels (then called Better Angels), the national citizens movement that brings Americans together to bridge the partisan divide. Embracing values of respect, humility, honesty, and responsible citizenship, the goal is not to change people’s views of issues, but to change their views of each other. I have been involved ever since!

Thank you, Peter!

- Doulgass Teschner

Dearest Peter,
You are a special person for so many reasons. You are an important part of our lives and always will be so. When Burt was ill, you came to our home and performed your magic for him to relieve him from his pain and suffering. You and Puff the Magic Dragon lifted all our spirits. You generously have given to the entire world a heart filled with love and the joy of living. Your legendary music inspired us whenever we heard you, Paul and Mary sing, in Brooklyn and at Tanglewood. You made us feel special when Burt and I walked down the aisle at Carnegie Hall when you would yell out and, of course, at the top of your voice, “Here Come the Fendelman’s”. Your social activism was and is still an inspiration to me and to so many others! Know that you are beloved by so many! Sending you love and peace!


- Helaine

My Dear Brother Peter,
I am so sorry to hear that your battle with cancer has not been going well. The note I received from Christopher and Bethany has led me to do a lot of reflecting on our great friendship of the last almost 10 years. When we first met at a Carter Center event in California I was excited to tell you that Peter Paul and Mary's first record album was the first one I bought with my own money as a high school student in back in1963 and that I remember listening to it whenever I possibly could. Our friendship developed from
there and it would take a few typewritten pages to describe all of the wonderful interactions I have had with you since then. Even though we have lived far apart I have been so very grateful that we have been able to stay in close touch through subsequent Carter Center events, your concert dates in Minnesota (during one of which you introduced me to Noel Paul Stookey!), regular
texts and occasional phone calls. You have had a tremendous positive influence on my son Curt and his family and I can't thank you enough for that-Curt will never forget the glowing critique you provided after I shared a video of his version of "Don't Laugh at Me". I am aware of many of your humanitarian efforts over the years but am certain that I am not aware of many others. It is mind
boggling to me when I try to contemplate all of the lives you have had such a positive effect on throughout your life. I can truthfully say that there is no other human being that I admire more than you and I am eternally grateful that you have honored me with your friendship. I love you Peter Yarrow! Your Forever Brother Bob XXXXXXOOOOOO 

I have so many fond memories with Peter. It is hard to put them all in writing, but I will tell you a few which have always stuck with me.

When I was in the 4th grade, Peter was preforming a singalong with a school. While he was singing with the students of the school I got up to go see Mary. Peter, in the middle of his song, says where is my sweetheart Sarah going. No matter if it was that moment or the many concerts/events I spent time with him, he would always look out for me and make sure I was around. Sometimes Peter would even enlist me to help with sound checks. Peter has such a kind heart and was a very close friend to my mom and me. My mom was sick for many years and he would always check in and call her to see how she was. He truly cares for others and shows his love for everyone.

Peter is an amazing, caring, loving and most of all an inspiring friend. I have been fortunate to have such an amazing friend in my life and I know many others feel the same.  

- Sarah Burch

My brother Peter: My heart is full with numerous warm memories of our times together and your plentiful kindnesses to me. Three stand out.

First--years ago you came to my synagogue in D.C. to do a concert. We did a sound check together. We were having so much fun, it turned into a ten-song soundcheck. Which then turned into the entire second set of the concert. At the end of the first set, you told the crowd I'd be joining you for the second set. You said "I enjoy singing with Doug so much, I'm thinking of leaving the group." You paused, then said "Just kidding." After we sang "Such Is Love" to open the second set, I said: "Peter, I'm glad you told the audience that your line about leaving the group was just a joke. For a moment, I had an image that I would go down in folk music history: "Doug Mishkin, the Yoko Ono of Peter Paul & Mary."

2. From the first time I heard "Sweet Survivor," I knew I'd be singing it for the rest of my life. And I have. Your joining me to record it on an album of mine in 2008 is a never-ending thrill of mine.

3. At the URJ Biennial in 1997, you ended the evening's concert by singing "Day Is Done." I was on your left. Bethany and Debbie Friedman were on your right. You gave me the second verse, Debbie the third. Behind us were Saperstein and Vorspan.
It was a moment of sheer joy. I couldn't have been more proud. Recently one of my daughters found the video on YouTube and asked if I'd ever seen it. I told her: "Only a few hundred times." I look at the young people in the audience and am moved to tears by their sheer joy in singing along. You did that for them, and have done it for me my entire life. Sending all my love, knowing all will indeed be well when the day is done.


While the world knows you as a legendary musician, for the past 30 years we've been blessed to know you as a devoted friend, tireless activist, and constant inspiration. Your loyalty and dedication to both personal friendships and the larger fight for humanity have shown us what it means to live one's values fully.
Some battles may have seemed like tilting at windmills, but you've shown us time and again that persistent dedication to justice yields real change. Your work with Operation Respect has transformed countless young lives. Your unwavering commitment to civil rights protests helped bend the arc of history toward justice. And through Better Angels, you've helped bridge divides that many thought impossible to cross.
You've taught us that being on the side of the angels isn't just about fighting the good fight - it's about achieving tangible progress through unwavering dedication and moral courage. Your friendship has enriched our lives immeasurably, not because of your fame or your music, but because of your fundamental decency, your fierce loyalty, and your proven ability to make the world better.
With deep love and gratitude,
Irene and Lee

My Pietro--your generosity that shows up in the endless outpouring of your music is something I have experienced in everything from meals to carpets or paintings or introductions to such as Seiji Ozawa or some obscure wrist watch you decided I simply must have. And what taste you always showed in the gifting! I have said thanks to you more often (almost) than to Mother Tao and routinely we both enjoyed whatever it might be. But our main gifts to each other may have been those combination walks in Central Park with talks about whatever....just for the pleasure of exercising our minds. We'd even find ourselves learning something sometimes. The true pleasure though was in expressing mutual love for each other. I am most pleased to have pointed out and shared unusual bird songs, trees, and all manner of natural fascinations with you over the years. But you yourself are the greatest natural fascination to me. YOU the being...expressing and sharing in this
world which sometimes seems to be trying to teach humans to be mean, selfish and cold-hearted. You have been, nose in the wind, always insisting on beauty and thoughtfulness. You, our Ambassador of the songs and singers, puppets and dancers of EMBRACING THE ROOT, will always be with us wherever the wisdom of the trees, lakes and stars will lead. So as always, my beloved Pietro, keep a'rockin' and keep our love in mind wherever that may take you.  

- Carman Moore

Our love
Our Dragon

Your sweetness
and endless loving being
I love you
Your name and spirit lives on
making us remember
what it means to be human.

Thank you for all you give
To Carman
To Embracing the Root
To me
We created a new theatre form
with you.

We love you


Peter, I think we must have met in 1952, in our second year of high school, but I'm not sure! I have such vivid memories of you, especially lugging that guitar up and down the many staircases in the park facing Music & Art. I especially remember when you and I, in a premature example of resistance, wore JEANS to the Easter Parade! Remember? The last time I saw you was at dinner when you took me to your special Chinese restaurant in midtown, before the pandemic started. Though time and distance often separated us, our relationship never wavered over lo these many decades. YOU'VE DONE GOOD.
With much love,
Dottie Zellner

Dearest Peter,

As Linda Carroll’s husband, I was blessed to know you when you came into our lives and home as the co-creator of One Story at a Time. Like so many others, to know you is to love you.

I remember such sweet, short episodes of life with you, and warmth fills my heart as I write this.

I send you great love and gratitude for all you have given, supported, made happen, and loved in life. Thank you for your great heart and everywhere it has taken you.

Your goodness is not just for humans, I remember how much you tolerated our dogs when you sat with them in the back of the car and let them roll all over you with your usual humor and patience.

Go gently into the great night, Peter. You have given so much, and the returns will continue always.

Great love to you,


Dear Peter, my friend, my brother,

I'm not sure I've ever told you that before we met and became friends, you were one of my heroes. On the steps of the High School of Music and Art, my first foray into music and any notion of doing it for a living was born out of my love for Peter, Paul and Mary. It wasn't just about the sound, it was about using music for social change, awareness and peace building. That was 1969! Fast forward 30 years when we met (thanks to Bethany) at the Kerrville Folk Festival. You paid me the ultimate compliment when you said "Don't Laugh At Me" is a song the whole world needs to hear. I was overwhelmed with joy when the trio decided to perform the song but the true icing on the cake was the birth of Operation Respect and my inclusion in a project that to this day is doing incredible work in teaching children about kindness, respect, friendship and being of service. You gave me the gift of seeing first hand how my work could and did make a difference. With all my heart, thank you for that.

Getting to know you over the last 25 years has been such a blessing. Your faith in me has given me the courage to try all kinds of things. I will never forget working with you in Parkland FL after the shooting there, writing a song after the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, our work with Braver Angels trying to help people find common ground and countless more opportunities I had, to walk the walk that you have always walked! There's a quote I love that says " maybe happiness is not about us, as individuals. Maybe it is not something that arrives into us. Maybe happiness is felt heading out, not in. maybe it's all about what we can give. " Giving - That's something you know a lot about my friend. You have devoted your whole life to it. So many have tried to follow in your footsteps including me.

I treasure the memories of our time at concerts, singing at conferences, schools and just for the fun of it. I still can remember how nervous I was at Town Hall when Mary couldn't make the show because of illness and you nonchalantly asked me if I would sing her part on "Don't Laugh At Me" with you and Noel. Of course I said yes but in case you didn't know, I was shaking in my shoes.

I can still taste the late night food we consumed in 100s of Chinese restaurants, Italian trattorias and Jewish Delis. Recently we shared a salad together in our token attempt to eat healthy. In 30 years, you never let me pick up a check damnit. You said it brought you joy to treat people to a good meal. More giving...

On a funny note, remember when we tried writing a sequel to Puff? I knew we were good friends when I had the chutzpah to insist that you give me your phone before we started working on it because I didn't want us to be interrupted by the 25 calls you'd probably get in the three hours we had scheduled. You stood your ground saying " I will not give you my phone but I will agree to only take calls from very important people". I thought to myself : How many important people can one guy know who would call in the next three hours? You only took four calls - John Kerry, Gloria Steinem, John Garamendi and Norman Lear. Still cracks me up...

Recently, I got to see you twice. The first time was in Monterey at a wonderful show you and Noel did together where once again you so graciously asked me to sing a song. The last time was in NY where we spent a wonderful time eating that salad followed by a Lincoln Center coffee shop visit where I had you all to myself for two and a half hours. Heaven on earth! We talked politics, Israel, music and life. At one point you told me that when it was time for you to go, you were ready. At peace with your life and what you had done with it. I remember thinking that it was understandable given you had done more than any ten people I know.

The gift of knowing you, loving you and truly "getting you" in a way that rubbed off on me and how I live my life has been such a blessing Peter. I will carry your smile, your love and the torch you lit long ago as long as I walk this earth. You have my word on that.
May your journey wherever you're heading from here bring you much peace. I'm uploading a song I wrote with Allen Shamblin called "Good To Go" which I truly believe when it's time, you will be. Change the word Daddy to Buddy and every word fits you to a T. I love you my brother. 

- Steve Seskin

Hi Peter,
Chris Chandler here There are so many ways that you have touched and impacted my life, not the least of which is the admirable way in which you put your activism so squarely in the middle of your art.

I have always seen you as a role model kind of tried to emulate the importance of the message in the art that I create

I am also deeply appreciative of the way in which you went to bat for me at the Kerrville folk festival, even agreeing to let me release a live recording of one of our performances. Performing with you has been one of the highlights of my life. Also recording Our mutual, dear friend Anne Feeney‘s important song. Have you been to jail for justice? Is something for which she was most pleased. The visibility that you gave her helped the two of us find more rewarding work and helped get our message out to larger audiences.

My life is much richer and Fuller because you are in it. Thank you for helping me to become the person that I am.

I love you
Chris Chandler  

There are so many stories since I first met you (Peter) when I was a New Folk at Kerrville in 1974. You music and activism had inspired me from my early teens on. During my time in the Texas Legislature, I always tried to keep your mantra of finding the humanity in everyone, even those you disagree with, in my mind and practice. I appreciated your coming out and singing to my campaign volunteers after the concert when we brought them to see P, P & M in 1980. I have enjoyed the many opportunities to sing with you (and with Christopher) at Kerrville and especially when I sang for you at your 50th birthday party in Austin in 1988. My favorite story, though, is my 15 seconds of fame. We were in NYC visiting Sharon's recently retired rabbinic partner from her Buffalo congregation when we learned about the Pete Seeger tribute concert that you and Bethany had helped organize. We tried to see you before and then after the concert but security wouldn't let us through. We then walked a few blocks away with the Rabbi and his wife to find food and saw you standing outside a restaurant that opened up onto tables on the sidewalk, talking to someone there. We went up to you and you hugged Sharon with your usual "My Cantor" and then me with a loud "Paul". We introduced you to the Rabbi and hi wife and chatted for a few minutes but they wanted to continue on to find a less busy place to eat. I stayed and we talked for a few more minutes, but as I left, I heard someone at one of the tables inside say, "Do you know who that is? That's Peter Yarrow." And then one of his tablemates chimed in, "And that one is Paul!" I guess I looked a foot taller. Peter, I hear your voice in my head all the time. Your example and your friendship have been repeated highlights in my life (I've also appreciated the many chocolate birthday cakes at Kerrville.) You have worked ceaselessly to repair the world and have made a difference in the lives of so many.


May your days be peaceful and surrounded by love.


Paul (and Sharon and Nathan) Colbert  

How long has it been? I counted and am surprised that it’s been 57 years since I first met you in 1967. I was just a teenager then. You were a big star, a member of one of the most popular groups in the US, and also in Japan. Yet, when I met you for the first time in the lobby of Hotel Okura, you spoke to me in a very polite and friendly manner, not blaming me for my ignorance about your songs or anything. At the time, I didn’t have any of your records (singles) let alone albums.
Since then, we spoke a lot, most of the time you were asking questions about me, my school life, Japanese lifestyle, and so on. I really enjoyed and appreciated each of those moments. In 1970, you brought Mary Beth with you and proudly announced that she was three months pregnant.
Then there was a twenty-year hiatus. When I saw you again in 1990, we had gone through a lot in life, and we both had a wonderful time sharing each other’s stories. Remember when you flew into Japan from Hong Kong, and hurried to the venue where the PP&M fan club was holding a Festa? How the audience got excited when you walked onto the stage to finish Puff sing out! Remember when Kenzo Tomotoshi took us to the fish market? Kenzo treated us to an exquisite sushi lunch.
So many memories and memories. I always admired your activism, and though on a much smaller scale, I will continue to act for peace, equality, justice, and conserving the environment. I strongly believe that I had such a good luck in having you as my mentor. You have inspired me to be strong and honest as well as humble. Thank you, Peter, for leading me. I promise I will keep on living my life to the fullest.
Andi Ogawa

Dear Dear Peter,

I saw you first in Denver CO around 1965 at a performance and I, along with everyone else was drawn to an undefined powerful energy field.
Next, thanks to JK I met you on the Upper Wharf and your first for me a sing at Pony Pasture. Your visits to Shore House are in my heart with music, many jokes passed back and forth and when you cooked, delicious dining. You are a treasure in my heart.
And then you gave up your wonderful home to fund raise for Arnie Arnesen For her run for GOV in NH. you also performed in Portsmouth NH where you stayed to sing after the main event sang and met with all the volunteers from her campaign. Sterling College was another time at your place with your singing and Jed playing the spoons! Thank you again. Your warm and kind generosity extended to our children as well. You are one of a kind and made the world a better place and certainly a wonderful friend.
A big hug and lots of love always,

Peter, my bro… My first memory of you was at a P.P.M concert in Salt Lake City 1965! Shortly after, Perry saw you in Denver. We were comparing or memories of that this morning. She’ll provide hers. Mine was joy, awe, and appreciation. Didn’t see you again until summer of 1972 on Naushon, where you, John Kerry, and George Butler had landed for a short break from your efforts with Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Your presence resulted in a good gathering for singing with family, and fun visits on walks and at Shore House, among other things. I even got to play spoons with you at the sing. So going forward, I could say, “Sure, I played in concert with him…”
Memorable events together include more Naushon visits, the Arneson for Governor of NH campaign (Perry will fill in here), your hosting a fundraising event for us at our apartment when we were at Sterling College. The occasion was the opening of the iMax Endurance and Caroline Alexander holding forth at the Museum of Natural History, where Shackleton’s lifeboat “James Caird” was on display. You sang for our invited guests – and inspired some contributions!
We will never forget the surprise you gave us by coming to Sterling College in 2006 to sing for the graduating class, their families, our board, and us in this, our retirement year. A total selfless surprise! And I got to be in concert with you again – playing spoons!
Our last breaking of bread together was after a performance you and Paul did in Lebanon, NH in 2019… Sad that we did not have a chance to meet in person again, but grateful for being able to stay in touch.
Your contributions to bringing different cultures and thereby steps forward toward world peace will live on – as will our remembrances of you and our many times together. Love always, Jed…

I’ve known Peter for 71 - perhaps 72 years. At Music and Art High School he was a pretty annoying kid - But then he morphed into a brilliant songwriter and passionate fighter for the ideals we treasure. Peter is the most empathetic iconoclast who ever graced Planet Earth!

When I was at home with my three year-old daughter on August 28, 1963, I watched Peter, Paul and Mary sing their hearts out at the March on Washington. For civil rights, for anti-bullying, for Jewish causes (e.g. “Light One Candle”), Peter fought the good fight. What a life! We love you, Peter Yarrow.  

- Isabelle Ganz


Your friendship has meant so much to me, from our first meeting at the Carter weekend eight years ago to our dinner at the Leopard this year on your birthday. Your wise perspective in our discussions on how to reduce political polarization have really helped shape my thinking. Thanks for introducing me to Braver Angels – I continue to support their important work.
The opportunity to play music with you and Bethany at the Habitat benefit concerts in Beaver Creek will always be a high point for me – and for everyone involved. What I’ve enjoyed most is that you’re just a cool guy who’s a blast to spend time with. Janet and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Jim Stanard


For more than 40 years we have been friends. My family grew up with “Uncle Peter” and now my grandson listens to your music in Israel. There will be many who will eloquently discuss the impact your music has made on generations of listeners and activists.

I just want to praise and thank you, my friend.

Together, we’ve been on a journey blending Judaism and activism. The Torah commands us to be pursuers of justice. No one I know has embodied this principle in every aspect of life. You are an example for me and millions of others who seek justice in a very painful world.

You’ve been there… Been there for so many people and causes. And… You’ve always been there for me and my family. Long before my move east, I knew I always had a place to stay in NYC. You (and Penny) were kind and welcoming hosts. Most of those visits included time with Vera, z”l (of blessed memory) and dinner at some new restaurant.

When Shira and Avi were born you were there for both to celebrate and rejoice with us. Somehow you found time to be there for each of them as they became bat and bar mitzvah. As the kids got older, you developed a relationship with each of them independent of their father. Our lives are deeply intertwined. So much so, that you sang at my wedding to Eve. We would occasionally join you for Thanksgiving in Manhattan and you are a frequent guest at our seder table (this year joined by MaryBeth!).

We had some crazy moments together. I still recall a call late at night to have me hear a new song that led to the Don’t Laugh at Me Foundation and years of important work and blessing. We merged our activist lists for any number of good causes. You have always surrounded yourself with so many wonderful people including friends like Al Vorspan, z”l, David Broza, and so many others.

For me and my family, you are always Peter, not the singer, recording artist, activist, etc.… just Peter. A steadfast and loyal friend with whom we share laughs, challenges, good times and bad and always, always… you are there.

Love you my friend.


From Jerusalem to New York, I have had the deep privilege to witness and participate in many of your peace-willing performances. To stand beside you and sing your songs along the pantheon of social justice melodies that you keep, fulfilled me in ways that my younger self only dreamed. Palestinians, Israelis and others believed in a shared future because of your efforts and music. Though the times of peace look bleak, I still believe and sing their truth. I have you to thank for this. You once called me a "child of Woody Guthrie" and can I hope to live up an ounce of this blessing.

May the words of Rumi comfort you,

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, The world is too full to talk about ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn't make any sense."

- Amy Yares

I have so many memories of Peter which start of course like many as a child and fan of PPM but as an adult as an activist I was fortunate enough to get to know Peter and then as SONiAs wife and manager I got to be friends with Peter thru Sonia. I was with her at kerrville folk festival when Peter walked her around the campfires to introduce her. He has always been so generous in his time to encourage young talent and even after performing that night he made sure everyone knew he thought they should hear Sonia. It’s something that we try to make sure we take the time to do ourselves and hope we make Peter proud. But one of my favorite memories is a personal day we spent hanging out in NY and as we sat at lunch at a little deli Peter gave us the new illustrated pop up Puff the Magic dragon which he had signed for us. He then proceeded to read the entire book to us right there in the deli. I truly wish I had video because I must have looked like my 5 year old self staring at this legend reading Puff the Magic Dragon to me. I love you Peter and if I were able to travel myself right now I would give anything to have one more hug. You have worked so hard for so long to make things better for all of us and I promise we will keep on working when you finally rest. You will live on forever in your legacy of love, activism and the community you built. So grateful to call you my friend.   

- Terry Irons

Dear Peter,

For more than half of my life I have watched you on stage annually at the Kerrville Folk Festival. You are an inspiration musically as well as fatherly as my relationship has been more with your son Chris than it has been with you personally. But in your son, I have seen the potential for being a great Dad to my own sons. My youngest son Marlon is a lot like Chris. A shining light always on the search for his greatest contribution in the moment. Your music has been a inspiration to so many, but I believe that our real legacy is in how we raise and nurture our children and how they as beacons of light lead others to their own greatest good. You have done great work and shared the Love so that it can continue to grow. For that you have my greatest thanks and respect and I pray that when you decide to cross the road, there will be nothing but light and love in your path.

- Joseph Nipper

Dear Peter,

I met you only a few times, but the deep impression you left on me will last my lifetime.

You were planning a concert for Native Americans in the midwest and wanted my assistance. My help was nothing compared to the work that you put into it. To me, your commitment to justice for all people was admirable not only in the words you spoke, but the actions you took. And that is of course on top of your artistry, for which you will have enduring fame.

Indeed you are an immortal now. You have joined the ranks of those who time will not forget, and if anything, as technology advances, you will grow larger than life. In the years that come your music, your commitment to justice, will become all the more important. A steady keel to hold an unsteady ship the world has become.

I am honoured to have met you. I am saddened to hear your time is near, but glad to know you will go with a glorious celebration, the celebration of a life well and justly lived, a glory that no riches can buy, and no power can take.

May I see you again in the world that comes, so that you may inspire me more to do what is good and do what is right.

Your friend,

Alex Ewen

I was a little kid probably 5. And it was Sunday morning and the sun rays were poring through my parents bedroom window across the hallway into my eyes waking me to the day and I turned around and in the morning sun beaming was the Peter Paul and Mary album in full color Movin’ with Puff and all his glorious friends. It was my very second album in my two album collection-The first was Herman’s Hermits.
My uncle Kevin Gilles was Mary’s guitar player when PPM took a break in the early 70s. I met Mary and Mary her tour manager back stage at the then Capitol Center Arena when she was on tour with Seals and Crofts. Meeting them again at Kerrville Folk Frstival was wonderful. Being around Peter and Noel and Mary always feels like part real part dream because they made the path for me to walk in. Which I do every breath of everyday of my life. That music is a way out of misery and defeat and a way fortified possibility in equality love and peace. And that a guitar and a voice were all you need to walk on through the reign.

I was just getting the love at Kerrville when Peter took me around the campfires where no logs are necessary and introduced me as the next PPM - never in my ever did I see that coming although - the magic of their spirits is quite aligned with the almighty and it doesn’t get better than that.
Watching thousands sing out on their songs fills my heart with joy. Later a gathering in March 2001 to stop a military invasion of Iraq we sang together in the night with a misty light rain on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial with PPM at the center and Bethany and myself and others praying and singing that no violence - no war- no more. The media was scared and barely covered this peaceful action. Even though there are 4000 protesters the news minimized this action and skinned us down to 400. I was there and that was simply not true. But fear prevailed. It was backstage that we heard the news that Rachel Cory had been mowed down and died in an occupation protest in Israel.
I remember sitting next to Peter at the Threadgill theater and we heard Nic and Ellen’s song By My Silence. I turned to Peter and said you guys should record this song to which he said - “Sonia, You should record this song”. And so I did.
My love for Peter and PPM is full of gratitude and gratitude and gratitude. I have learned so much and yet hardly begun.
Love you always Peter.


- Love Sonia  

I first got to know Peter when we worked on an event together in 2020 for Georgia’s senate seat. He was as charming as could be from day one. He put so much thought, care, and intention into what he put out into the world. What started as helping Peter with best utilizing technology for his video, quickly became beautiful calls & voicemails just checking in on me and my family. When I was going through some health issues he connected me with a healer and even paid for our first session. He sent us artwork created by his family when we moved into our new home. He took me under his wing for a little while and showed me what it means to not stand up for a cause when it is convenient or timely, but how to engage on a daily level, never taking your foot off the gas, fighting for what is right.

- Kunj & Sara Shah

My dear Peter, for twenty years we traveled the world with so many wonderful people on a special mission, Operation Respect. I'm so grateful that Bethany and the family and Tony have brought us together to share this feeling of gratitude for being in Peter's universe. I think it has given every one of us a deeper sense of purpose, love and joy.

You showed me early on that the way that Peter, Paul and Mary brought their love and joy to the stage seemed to ignite the audience and so it was for the work of Operation Respect. It was magic. And I believed it. "It's Magic" is a less well-known song that truly inspired me.

I am so grateful to have traveled this journey with you and with all who are writing and honoring you and who love you. We hope we can ease the burden and we will carry it on knowing that you will always be with us. We love you.

- Mark and Janie Weiss

Dearest Peter,

You came into my life when I was a college student at UC Berkeley in the late 60’s. Of course, it was at a distance then, as your music was the background for my budding passion for social justice. Through your music and social activism, you represented the hope and possibility we could help make a better world.

Years later, as I began work on bullying prevention in the school district of our small township of Bexley, Ohio, I was introduced to you personally by Irene and Lee Hess and Rich Stoff at a small breakfast in Columbus where you shared your work with Operation Respect and the “Don’t Laugh at Me” program. I was star struck. But you looked at me and said “Let me know if I can help. I will come.” I doubted how that might be possible given the breadth of your musical and political activity. But I didn’t know you yet.

My team worked for months organizing the students and school staff to create art, conversations about kindness, learning to sing “Puff,” and planning. A community-wide evening program about respect, caring and kindness was the launch of “Bexley Operation Respect.” While it turned out you could not personally attend, you asked Bethany to stand in for you. Bethany came (nursing her three-month old Valentina) and worked with our students and staff with all the magnificent passion and creativity of her father.

But Peter, you felt so badly for me and my disappointment in not having you lead our program, you came several days later just to visit and sing with Larry and me in our living room. That’s when I knew firsthand your empathy and concern for others were boundless. From that moment on, I have been blessed with your friendship and presence in my life and the life of my family. The memories of our times together bring me great joy. Thank you for this gift.

I love you,

Susan Steinman


Words can barely describe the impact you have had on my life. From the moment I met you - some 30 years ago when you called me in Columbus, OH. I came home one night from synagogue, and I asked if anyone called. William, then maybe 5, said someone called. When I asked who, he said he didn’t know. When I started to chastise him for not getting a name, he said, “but he told me to tell you that “Puff” called.” Without context, I didn’t know who it was. And then the phone rang. It was you and after an hour conversation, you invited me to bring our children to hear you present “Don’t Laugh At Me” to Columbus school teachers. And when I told you, “but it’s a school day,” you asked how many days do they go to school? I replied every day. And you asked, “And how many times do they get to sing with Puff?”

Well, of course, we came. And when we walked in, though we had never met in person, you saw our kids - and welcomed Elana and William up to join you to sing Puff the Magic Dragon. When I saw the 3 of you up there, my heart melted. You were stuck with us as friends. Whether the times you stayed in our home, you played on the Shabbat before Elana became a Bat Mitzvah, when Elana worked for you, when Elana and I met you in Jerusalem, or when you played on the night before she and Noah were married, when you took time to meet my Confirmation class at a NY restaurant and serenaded them for an hour…my heart was filled with love and joy.

Each time we spoke, you called me your brother (I know you had LOTS of brothers and sisters). But as I witnessed on so many occasions with others, when you were with me…you were with me 100%. And I felt embraced. I will be forever grateful that you came into my life…years after you made an impact with your music on Leslie and me.

Our children grew up on your music before they met you. Then, they - too - came to know you and came to know your passion. Just three months ago, while spending time with our granddaughter and grandson, we sang Puff and told them about you. To have them learn your music brought unbridled happiness to us all.

Peter, as the the poet Hannah Sennech wrote, “There are stars up above, so far away we only see their light long long after the star itself is gone.” Your light has shone on my family for all my 7 decades. And your light will continue to shine long into the future…for me…for my family…and for so many others.

P.S. Elana just (day before Thanksgiving) gave birth to her first child, a beautiful baby girl. She - we - will sing her your songs. We will tell her our stories of you. And she, too, will believe in the magic of Puff.

Here are three pictures that I cherish - you and me; and you and Elana at her wedding; and you serenading my mother-in-law the night before Elana and Noah’s wedding.

All our love,

Art, Leslie, Elana, Noah, William, and Ali (and our 3 grandchildren representing the next generation). 

Dear Peter,

I don’t know how to say goodbye. I don’t want to. You have been such a loving, motivating and inspirational part of my life. You gave the best advice and moved me to action, to lead when needed, to follow when needed, and to give the world the best of me. I will carry your love to my own dying day.

Some memories:

The first time I met you, I was volunteering for Allard Lowenstein’s congressional campaign. You came in to sing to the volunteers. I was annoyed because we were so busy – and now we had to stop to have a sing-along. Al found it funny and introduced the cranky teenager to you. You were very sweet and I said, “I thought being a folk singer meant you were dead.” Lovely, right? It’s amazing we ended up being friends after that.

I got to know you though after Al had died. Working on a memorial out of I think Muffy Huffington’s apartment. I think. That was followed by your PS 6 concert, the only one I attended as part of the audience. I went with Mike Klesh. We loved it. When you announced that this would become an annual concert, I thought I could be helpful to make the day run better – and volunteered. You allowed me the honor of working with you on what seemed a bazillion of those – until the school’s Principal assured me, and then you, that they no longer required the supplemental funding. Over time, we introduced that audience to members of the NY Choral Society, Ed McCurdy, Tom Chapin, David Buskin, Doug Katsaros, Peter Cofield, Joe D’Urso, Chris Brown, David Roth and Cantor Bruce Benson. I have already sent you photos of some of those performances – shot by Evyonne Baker. There was a formatted invitation ostensibly written by you to the parents’ body, inviting them to be sponsors at various levels and every year the names of the sponsorships were tweaked to match that year’s concert theme. I wrote the 1st draft and faxed it to you for editing. One year, after hearing you call people mufkie puffkie and other adorable names just once too often, I renamed the sponsors to something like Mufkie Puffkie Sponsor, Doophie Dumpher Sponor, etc. You swore revenge. Thank G-d you never really exacted a price!

After the PS 6 run ended, I told you I would help on any project if the money was needed. You called me with Barry Nisman of On Our Way. You don’t know this ... Barry and his wife Barb have become among my and Marsha’s dearest friends. (They have just become grandparents by the way of a beautiful girl – Riley).

In July 1985, I was volunteering with World Hunger Year (now WhyHunger) and it was the time of the then annual Harry Chapin Memorial Concert at The Bottom Line. The lineup of performers was supposed to be Tom and Steve Chapin, Harry’s band, and Tom Paxton. A week before the show, Paxton had to cancel his appearance. They had sold a lot of tickets because of Paxton. Allan Pepper suggested the charity replace Paxton with someone at least on his celebrity level. I called you ... and YOU SAID YES. You were always saying ‘YES” when I needed help. I joined the staff in August 1985. I was charged with producing fundraising concerts at Town Hall – with a budget of $0.00. I was telling you about the challenge of communicating that a concert was to take place with no budget. “Sweetheart, you need to place ads in the NY Times, Village Voice, and get mentions in newspaper calendars.” Of course. I knew that. But I had literally $0.00 to work with. You paid for the ads as a donation. OMG – you really saved the charity’s butt.

When I asked a few performing artists to help design holiday cards to be sold by the charity, you and Noel painted beautiful art. And Mary painted the back end of a horse with its tail in defecating position. That was memorable.

I remember helping Penny to study for her American Citizenship exam. I was quizzing her. When I asked her where the White House was located, you, just passing through from the kitchen to your living room, adlibbed “at the end of the march”. That derailed us all for a few minutes.

For a few years I drove a Pontiac Aster – a terrible car. One year, both of us were invited to Thanksgiving at Dotty and Sonny DiCintio’s house. It was cold outside. And then there was an awful smell inside the car – as the exhaust started coming into the car. We drove with the windows open. When we got to Dotty’s, you walked in – pointed at me and informed her that I had tried to kill you. Nice! I considered making you walk back to Manhattan, but ... nah.

You welcomed my friends into your loving circle. You showed such compassion when Judy Zdziera needed a brain tumor surgery. Oh, how you loved on her and made her feel so safe. When David Buskin and Robin Batteau parted ways for a few years, you made David feel wanted and welcome when he needed it the most.

When it was time for me to finally leave WhyHunger, they gave me a goodbye party – and you came to sing for me. I will always treasure that sweetness. You sang “The Great Mandala”; “Bob Dylan’s Dream” and “Sweet Survivor”. Those lyrics are haunting me now.

Carry on my sweet survivor, carry on my lonely friend
Don't give up on the dream, and don't you let it end.
Carry on my sweet survivor,
Though you know that something's gone
For everything that matters carry on.

Peter, I promise you that all of us you leave behind, will carry on for everything and everyone that matters. It’s the very least we owe you.

I love you dear Peter, my dear, dear friend.


Peter Yarrow has lived his life defying earth’s gravitational force beyond human boundaries and limitations. SpaceX’s recent advanced rockets and space travel - have nothing on Peter.

“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
we are spiritual beings on a human journey.”
Teilhard de Chardin

Peter - an unattached vessel through which the world seems to filter. He is a universal collective human archetype embodying the universe.

“There is only one river
There is only one sea
And it flows through you
And it flows through me”

Peter IS the quintessential manifestation of “flow” - a state of consciousness of optimal experience transcending time and space
without need of material possessions. A gregarious mystic.

During Covid, Peter left Manhattan and stayed for many months at his assistant Tony’s house in upstate NY in a small sparse room with one window. He loved it. “This is all I need.”

In 1979, I first met Peter in Rochester, MN when he was performing at a fundraiser for the Wilmar 8. He arrived with no idea where he would sleep but always knew a bed would surface - like a wandering monk. One of my fellow organizers asked if Peter could stay at my apt. We had recently moved to Rochester - only had a coat as a blanket and a sofa to sleep on. Peter could not have been more grateful - arriving late and leaving at the crack of dawn - quintessential Peter. To Peter, it’s only sleep - his focus is always on the cause.
Thirty five+ years later, Peter stayed at my house in DC and once again slept on a pull-out sofa in the library - gratitude from Peter to have a place to lay his head - off we went in the morning to another cause.

When you get near Peter or involved in any of his cause-driven projects, you are pulled in by a centrifugal force that whirls into a turbocharger animating anyone in its wake to respond immediately to whatever. is needed.

For many events with Peter in Washington, DC (and there were many),
I assisted in whatever way I could - also inviting everyone I knew and everyone I didn’t know - to get involved.

Peter treated DC like his nearby neighborhood - location and time were irrelevant, and he miraculously always FINDS time in his busy schedule
for everyone and every cause.

Peter’s quintessential assistant Elizabeth Kolodny always kept Peter on track, and Peter’s schedule went smoothly with Tony Arancio, Peter’s steadfast logistician.

Peter always found the time to say “yes”. I have never heard Peter say “no”, and if Peter is tired, he simply ignores it.

In 1991, when I asked Peter to sing at the Washington Monument for the Peace Corps’s 30th anniversary for 7,000 RPCVs (Returned Peace Corps Volunteers), he accepted immediately reliving a cherished memory of PP&M’s March on Washington in the ‘60s. It was the highlight of the celebration.

Peter is indefatigable - flying directly from the Middle East to DC just to perform at an Alliance for Peace benefit that Chic Dambach and I organized hosted by longtime friends Sally Epstein and Don Collins, Peter arrived directly from the DC airport with his suitcase - transcending jet lag and fatigue and gave a moving performance on peace and justice continuing to mix for hours with the eclectic group.

Peter also sang his song “The Children are Listening” for the first time to Sally and Don at their home before we went to Capitol Hill to advocate for Operation Respect.

A memorable event we all organized was at the home of Peter’s friend Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley: grand success - over capacity - with a lot of schmoozing and connecting with potential supporters and faithful ones. Senator John Kerry, Senator Harris Wofford and Elizabeth Bagley gave glowing tributes to Peter and the important work of Operation Respect.

For decades, Peter volunteered and sang at Returned Peace Corps Volunteer/RPCV events. Peter and RPCVs fit like hand and glove, and he has been a beloved ally and advocate for decades performing at events organized by RPCVS, i.e. Kae and Don Dakin; Phi Lilienthal, Global Camps Africa and many more.

Peter also lugged his guitar on his back throughout the Halls of Congress while participating in the RPCV’s annual Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill - ending with a song fest in the office of RPCV CA Congressman John Garamendi.

For many years, Peter sang at RPCVs Congressman John and Patti Garamendis’ ranch in CA for John’s annual barbecues. Flying from NY to CA in the early morning and singing to hundreds that same afternoon was Peter’s way of life. Peter’s performance was always a highlight, and the Garamendi family is always so welcoming and generous.

For World Learning/The Experiment in International Living/SIT,
Peter once again happily agreed to perform for two Global Citizen Award events for Senator Patrick Leahy and also for Senator Harris Wofford in DC - both events attracted hundreds with monumental appreciation especially from Leahy and Wofford.

In 2016, when Senator Harris Wofford married at the age of 90, Harris was interested in Peter singing, and Peter was delighted to be asked and flew to Nantucket for a celebration. His songs melted all hearts - especially the “Wedding Song: There is Love” composed by Noel Stookey’s for Peter’s wedding. Afterwards was a rejuvenating weekend at the ocean and sand dunes. Elizabeth Vale was our generous host.

In 2019, for Harris Wofford’s memorial, the Wofford family was full of gratitude that Peter was going to sing. Peter pulled together a remarkable tribute on Zoom to 1000 attendees.

In 2008, Peter agreed wholeheartedly to sing at an Obama campaign benefit. In record time, Peter recruited John Lawrence (Rep Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff) and John Kerry (with whom Peter had been involved in the ‘60s anti-Vietnam movement). Sen Harris Wofford also spoke. It raised more funds than we anticipated - standing room only. Peter was the magnet with his rousing political activism songs.

And then there were the back stage passes for “Peter, Paul and Mary” concerts at Wolftrap for the Performing Arts. For many years, we all truly enjoyed these concerts. Peter wanted to meet my son Otis and left extra tickets at the box office for Otis and friends. Otis loved the concert and meeting Peter backstage.

In 1998, Peter met my daughter Hiliary at one of his performances in DC. With his advice, she and her friend Elizabeth Schroth created “People for Peace” at Stone Ridge school and raised funds for Albanian refugees, Later Peter sang for the receptive students and staff at a school assembly. When they received an award from Youth Service America, Peter once again came down from Manhattan to perform at the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage to support their volunteer efforts with a message read from Sargent Shriver. Attending were many old friends and colleagues. Peter also so generously wrote Hiliary’s college recommendations,

On a phone call a few months ago, Peter asked if I would put my three year old grandson Thomas on, and Peter sang, “Puff the Magic Dragon”
which Thomas continued to sing every night at bedtime - with no prompting. Thomas had been listening and singing Peter’s songs which were sung with daughter Bethany from Peter Yarrow’s Songbook, Favorite Folk Songs every morning on a CD in the car.

Another loving gesture: Many years ago when my niece Kiera in Chicago attended a PP&M concert, Peter insisted on meeting her back stage.

Peter is always the connector. The more the better. How could one person pack so much love and music into one lifetime?

“The day will come when,
after harnessing the winds,
the tides and gravity,
we shall harness the energies of love.
And, on that day, for the second time
in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

And Peter’s fire of love will continue to light the world ad infinitum.
I love you, Peter, and your spirit will always be with me.

With overflowing love, appreciation & gratitude,

Geri Critchley  

One word describes Peter Yarrow. And that one word is what embodies him. It exudes from
him. The moment he enters the room it is felt. And it is so genuine. The moment we first met he gave me what seemed to be a 10 minute brotherly embrace. He whispered into my ear that he love me and my beautiful youth orchestra. He treated me like we had known each other for a lifetime. He sat with my young musicians, singing to them, hugging them, encouraging them, praising them for their performance. He was unaware of the pain and suffering many of those young musicians endure growing up in marginalized Tijuana, Mexico. Yet there he was treating them all with dignity and respect. He was unaware that he played a role in healing wounds in some of those young hearts. It’s that one word that describes Peter Yarrow that, when presented in its purest form, conquers all. That is why Peter and his music conquered a restless world. And of course that one word that describes Peter Yarrow is LOVE. Pure LOVE. Thank you for loving the world, Peter Yarrow. Thank you for loving Orquesta Guadalupana Baja California. We all love you!

- Ron Wakefield

Dear Peter,

Do dreams come true? Yes, even if one has yet to consciously experience them. And I’ve had my share. Blessings for a lifetime.

And there are dents in life that aren’t really impressions and there are impressions that aren’t really dents. Each has its meaning. Each its lasting impact. And you and I have shared both.

It was June 1979 when I arrived in my ’77 Porsche at the Continental Hyatt House (aka the Riot House) on Sunset Boulevard, having responded to your request for a ride to that day’s Survival Sunday/NO Nukes concert at the Hollywood Bowl. Out you came, guitar case in hand whereupon you inadvertently dented the driver’s side quarter panel. I winced as we headed to the soundcheck. Not exactly a welcome impression but certainly a dent. But within a few miles the sting of the dent dissolved making way for the lifelong impression.

Noel and Mary were there. As were Joan Baez, Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, Melissa Manchester, Lily Tomlin, Robin Williams, John Denver, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Holly Near and the ever brave beacons Dr. Helen Caldecott and Ralph Nader.

That wasn’t our first hangout nor would it be our last. In 1963 I’d just finished school where politics were everywhere. I joined sit-its, marches and was committed to social justice. The folk movement inspired my generation to step-up. To act-up.

That Fall I met PP&M and Noel’s girlfriend Betty Bannard backstage at George Washington University's Lisner Auditorium. I was booking college concerts in Washington, Maryland and Virginia. And by coincidence Betty and I recognized each other as former Jr. High School classmates in Westfield, NJ and have revisited that arc of history for 6+ decades. There were other concerts, college and otherwise before I moved west to be Tom and Dick Smothers’ road manager. But you and I saw each off the music world grid. Mary Beth and you invited Brenda and me to your Broad Beach/Malibu, oceanside home where little Yarrows and little Fritzes “frolicked” while some adult guests did what some 60’s adults were oft inclined to do. And we welcomed you to our dinner table as well

Years passed, there were coincidental meetings on airport concourses or a random folk festival.

Tom and Dick’s Comedy Hour was a CBS hit (until it wasn’t). As the co-executive producer I was thrilled to book the Trio for what was a moving appearance.

As more decades landed in our rearview mirrors you, Flora and I met for dinners at Cafe Luxembourg, walked through NY museums and evenings at your home near Central Park. It was a rare trip to the East coast that we didn’t see each other. Penny welcomed me, offered snacks as you and I caught up with kid-talk and the world in general.

More years passed. The Trio’s career undulated. And so did mine. You three went separate ways. Solo albums. Solo bookings. I too experienced changes. Clients came and went. The trio coalesced under a couple of new manager firms. Didn’t work.

Then that 80’s call . You asked, “Would you consider becoming our manager?” And I asked, “What took you so long?”

Thus began nearly 20 years of unimaginable personal and professional growth. The Trio test and trusted me and I trusted them. We broke new ground while revisiting long ago adventures. Multiple PBS specials, returning to Warner Brothers Records, US and international touring and a sense of rebirth that further strengthened the bedrock of a long revered career.

You, Noel, Mary and I stood vigil with Bishop Tutu at the South African Embassy and met with Nelson Mandela as the Trio’s ethos continued.

You sang at Jenny’s Bat Mitzvah, you three sang at an ALS fundraiser in memory of my Dad. Brenda and I were thrilled to sit in at a tiny East LA club to witness an early performance by proud Peter and emerging singer Bethany. More impressions. Nary a dent.

Oh Peter, the cascading memories, the dents and the impressions, everyone a patch in our shared lifetime quilt.

They’ve been life altering experiences. So many impressions and so few dents, everyone left a mark. So thank you for decades of shared memories. Long may Puff’s Daddy bring joy to all on his radar and to those on yours.

Love from SoCal, Ken...

To All, I am writing to express appreciation for Peter Yarrow's great legacy of movement-building through music, and other means through which he has created and carried a lineage of ways to imagine and organize together for the greater good. I met him at gatherings hosted by his daughter Bethany at her home in upstate New York that were full of activists, artists, local community members, folks from far and wide, plenty of good people just looking to live their lives to help others, in offbeat and/or on-beat ways. It was fun, and actually there were important eco-justice initiatives organized there too! Peter shared songs and stories and deep words of hard-won wisdom and encouragement. We should not forget the courage it took to be fighting Jim Crow and racial terror in the deep South of the 1960s or to oppose the Vietnam War when so many powerful forces wanted to suppress the truth. Also, when he talks about contemporary social problems, he brings an intelligence about the need for healing and repair that is rare in today's polarized, and combative world. I also heard him share like this in New York City and in the Black Hills. Peter reminds us that creativity, humor and kindness nurture courage. He reminds us that adversity can strengthen character. And that we can grow our imagination in community. Through his beloved Mary Beth, Christopher and Bethany, he has radiated out a culture of loving family that is happy to enfold and include others from all walks of life. I am among the many who are grateful to Peter for his life's work.


Sincerely, Karenna Gore  

I first met Peter at a young and impressionable age. Once a year he would have a youth group of kids on the Circle Line and sing to us. There wasn’t one of us that didn’t know Puff the magic dragon. Peter loved kids. Later in life I had the privilege of working with Noel Stookey and got to know Mary as well. But it was Peter who always made me feel loved and appreciated. Last year we tried to collaborate on a project for the Children of Ukraine but his cancer kept him from working on it. We enjoyed dinner in his neighborhood, his concerts which I loved going to and hour calls and texts. One of his last texts to me in September said: I would’ve loved to have gotten together with you, my brother, but Cancer is like a chronic disease, one that is a race between the technology being developed to impede its progress and the ability of the disease in its own Darwinian struggle. Big hugs, my brother and thank you for checking in XO.

- John Battiloro

Peter doesn't know me, but his music, both with Peter, Paul & Mary and with his solo performances, has been the soundtrack of my life. My parents were both big fans, and we had all of the albums (and, yes, I mean actual albums) playing on our RCA stereo all of the time. My sister and I grew up knowing all of the words of...and singing along with...all of Peter's iconic songs. It was a great thrill to see Peter, Paul & Mary performing live in NYC, along with my dad, not too long before Mary's passing. There are moments you remember all your life...and that performance was one of them for me. And, then, of course, I appreciated so many of Peter's appearances on PBS, both his performances and during the fundraising drives. His music, his passion, his dedication to good causes have been a source of true inspiration and admiration and respect for me. When I read about his work with Operation Respect, I saw how very closely it aligns with the some of the work we are doing at Temple Beth Tikvah (Wayne, NJ) with our Shine a Light program. Thank you, Peter, for all you have meant to me and my family...without ever knowing us. Thank you for modeling your good works for your son and daughter, who, no doubt, will carry on your legacy with honor. I shall continue to keep you in my mishabeirach prayers. Wishing you strength and, most importantly, comfort and peace.

Janice Paul

Wow, Peter Yarrow, the happy dragon of Peter, Paul, and Mary was knocking on our door, waiting to carpool the neighborhood kids to Malibu Montessori school.

We’d never met before, but; we felt connected. While Peter was organizing, leading and singing in anti-Vietnam War protests, we were marching in those protests.

Over the next 50 years, our relationship grew in love and respect as we worked together against the nuclear power plant in Morro Bay, problems in the Philippines, and most recently against Gun Violence in Schools.

After Peter organized singer-songwriters to travel to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to help surviving students manage their grief, he asked us to document some students with their results.

And there’s also Peter's zany sense of humor. We’ll always remember Peter, dressed as the Easter Bunny, romping down the beach, delivering eggs to kids on Easter morning! Peter is family.

Beth & George Gage

Dear Peter,

When I first met you, we were both 30 years younger and I was a real estate executive with Toys “R” Us and as a sideline serve this president and chairman of the Toys “R” Us foundation.

We both grew older together and have suffered some of the same illnesses. I will never forget when you presented Toys “R” Us myself and Mike Goldstein a certificate on stage and you were proud of our sponsorship and we were proud to sponsor you.

You will conquer this illness and go on to continue your charitable endeavors.

I will never forget you, Paul and beloved Mary.

With all my love and Susan‘s love,


As I surveyed the devastation of November 5th this year, I wondered whether I could retreat from the battlefield of social justice and turn my attention exclusively to private pleasures: family, music, photography, travel. I realized I couldn't and then started to survey the origin of my passion for achieving a just society. It certainly didn't come from my parents who, my G-d, voted for Richard Nixon in 1960. I then realized that it came from the soft and insistent music and lyrics of the folk music which I imbibed throughout the 1960's and, of course, Peter, Paul & Mary was the first among the folk artists to whom I listened: "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" and "Blowin' in the Wind?". These songs and others by P, P &M (as well, of course, the recordings, of Joan, Judy and Phil) imbedded themselves into my very being and made me the person who I am today and have been my entire life.
Without your music, Peter, I may well have become that big law attorney that my father wished me to be.

I want to thank you, Peter, for that and for the personal relationship we developed while I was at Warner Bros Records and afterwards. It was the thrill of a lifetime to become friends with one of the icons of my adolescence. Not just friends, but also colleagues, as you engaged me in your activities on behalf of, anti-bullying and gun control and safety. Also, thank you for your beautiful tribute to me on the occasion of my receiving The Spirit of Liberty award from People for the American Way.

Thank you, Peter, for turning my life toward the work of peace and justice. You are in substantial part responsible for the life I have led and the person I became.

Peace, Brother.... David Altschul

I first met Peter in the early 1970's when Alex Hassilev, with whom I was living, took me to McCabe's to see Peter do a solo gig. Alex thought we would appreciate each other politically and was he ever right! We went on to produce three Survival Sunday's at the Hollywood Bowel, anti-nuclear programs that featured a wonderful assortment of performers. Then we did a big rally up at Diablo Canyon, again with a star-studded cast of progressive performers. I learned so much about producing live events from Peter and we went on to do films together as well. I remember with great joy a fundraiser we did at 27 West 67th for our film about Allard Lowenstein. Peter went up and started singing and pitching at the same time, and when we got off stage, we had raised $60,000. Peter was also in the Lowenstein film and did a wonderful interview about Al, his dear friend. To cap it off, we used "Sweet Survivor" at the end of film and it was wonderfully emblematic of the whole project. So many memories, so many shows back stage, so many fundraisers. When Peter did a concert in Malibu by himself, he stopped midway and said "Everybody under 12 years of age, Julie and Carl (Rogers) please join me on stage. Carl and I got to sing Puff with the dragon himself. Flash forward to ONE STORY AT A TIME, the film we made with him and Linda Carroll during the pandemic. Having wonderful work at that time because of Peter, was such a gift. I love you Peter and have loved you for fifty years. Travel on, your songs will be sung forever!  

- Julie Thompson

What can I say?
You (along with Mary and Noel) were the very first inspiration for my life of commitment to peace. I heard If I Had a Hammer while driving a truck on the TO a cattle ranch in Raton, MN before my freshman year in college, and it transformed me into an activist. Decades later, John Garamendi introduced us, and we a have been partners ever since. Knowing you, traveling with you, and working with you has been a tremendous privilege and a personal joy. Operation Respect, your creation, has been among the most valuable new initiatives to build peace and promote cooperation in our lifetime, and the impact will be realized in the lives of tens of thousands of young people as they mature and throughout their lives.
Your legacy will be revered and it will endure for generations. Few people in any walk of life has made a greater impact for good.
We love you, and we are with you every step of the way. Be sure Bethany, Christopher, and Mary Beth know we are ready to help in any way we can. We will come to NYC to visit if you are up to it, but we don't want to intrude.
Take good care of yourself, and know you are loved and honored for all that you have done and for the amazing human you are. You and your spirit live on and on in all of us.

Peter Yarrow raised me from a child (although he would not have been aware of that until I was nearly 60, when I met him in person for the first time.) Like Peter, Paul and Mary, I was “formed” in 1961. Luckily for me, my brother Dale Jones was 13 at that time, and it was he who introduced me to so many of the most important things in my life, including the magical music of PPM. I cannot recall a time in my life when the music of PPM was not playing somewhere in our home or our car - if not ringing out on our record player (and later on other formats!) then through my brother’s guitar and voice. Many of my earliest lessons in justice and humanity came as my brother explained PPM’s powerful lyrics to me starting in the 60s. When our daughters were born in the 1990s, I paid this forward by playing Peter, Paul and Mommy and then Peter, Paul and Mommy Too. I finally got to meet Peter in 2019 at Harvard Business School, of all places. I found myself sitting at a conference with mostly other “business people”, who shared a desire to leave the world a better place than we found it. Many participants had invited guests who shared that goal. To my overwhelming surprise, I saw Peter Yarrow (THE Peter Yarrow!!) sitting several rows in front of me. As a New Yorker, I at first played it cool and resisted the urge I felt to run up and fanboy him, but when he rose to walk at a break, I shamelessly threw myself at him, explaining to him how he had raised me. Peter, being Peter, hugged me and could not have been more engaging. Picking up on the theme of the conference, I asked what he was working on, and - as always - he was engaged in many wonderful causes, but he raised with me the work he was doing with “the Parkland Kids”, the survivors of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy. Less than a week later, he had enlisted me to help in my small way. In the ensuing years, Peter has made my family and me feel part of his family, even completing the circle during COVID by singing to my brother over Zoom on his birthday and giving him a guitar with a loving inscription and marvelously whimsical self portrait! Dragons live forever, and this dragon, Peter, will live forever through the love that he showered on so many people. We love you, Peter! 

Peter, you changed the trajectory of my life. The Trio came to San Antonio and performed at the Hemisfair Area in 1969. I attended with my college girlfriend. The next year you came back. I bought tickets and thought she would be my date. There was a death in her family so I invited my brother (Christopher) to come with me on the prepurchased ticket. I learned somewhere that you and Noel and Mary would come out and talk to folks after the show if we waited until the crowd cleared out. About 45 minutes later, the three of you came out and went to different places on the arena floor. I went to you because I was a wantabe guitarist and I loved some of the songs you had written. You talked about your recent trip to India and gradually even the hangers-on began to drift away. I thing there were three or four others besides Chris and myself still there when a security guard appeared and told us that we couldn't be there. You said, "I'm Peter Yarrow and we performed tonight." He said, "You can go to the dressing room. These people have to leave. At that time, you invited us to meet your for breakfast before you had to fly out. Chris and I went home. I set an alarm, but my mother (knowing that we didn't get in until close to 4 am) turned the alarm off.

Two years later, you came back to San Antonio with a group called Lazarus. Rod Kennedy promoted the tour. We reconnected briefly and you said to me, "You have to be in Kerrville on Memorial Day Weekend. We are starting a festival up there and you would love it." I started making plans. I went to the festival for Saturday night. You and Charlie Sumners invited everyone to come to the "Folk Mass" on the Schreiner Campus the next morning. I was by myself. I slept in my car and was there.

I had just graduated from college. I was running a construction company. I did not have fond feelings for the church-- not hostile, just irrelevant. You and Allen Damron and Charlie brought a whole new perspective to worship, and I returned to the church as a youth director trying to help the kids in the church understand the relevancy. (There were other things happening in my life but a whole lot of it came together at Charlie's service.) I continued to come to the Kerrville Festival. Three years later, my commitments to the church and to my business collided and I had to make some hard choices. I shut my company and went to seminary. In that decade, I missed two festivals. In those days, KFF was only one weekend.

To make a long story shorter, I went to seminary in 1975. I was ordained in 1979. That year, Rod Kennedy invited me to join "the staff" and I was deeply involved with construction and maintenance on the festival grounds. When the festival was expanded to 11 days in 1981, I was invited to lead worship on the second weekend. I have a picture on my wall of you singing over my shoulder in 1983. For almost a decade, you were a major part of our worship services.

Kerrville became a significant part of my life. When Rod and Nancylee Kennedy sold Quiet Valley Ranch and the Folk Festival to a group of patrons, I was one of the original investors. That was in 1997 and 1998. Within five years, the new Executive Director had burned through the half million dollars we (collectively) paid, but had saddled the two corporations with an additional half million dollar debt. Skipping the details, you, Stuart Vexler, Vern Crawford, Lenore Langdorf and myself worked for three months to find a way to save the festival. We talked several times a week. In the end, it all worked out. We formed the Quiet Valley Stewardship Group and raised enough money to escape foreclosure on the land. It was in those days of 2002 that I think we became more than friendly acquaintances and became friends.

In 2011, I received a call from my brother Christopher who was a dean at the University of WIsconsin in Madison. He said to me, "We were sitting in the dean's lounge bemoaning how Scott Walker was working to break the public sector unions in Wisconsin. There are tens of thousands of people wandering the streets, not knowing what to do. One of the other deans said, we need to find a way to bring them together. If we could get Bono here, he could do it." Another said, "U2 is on tour in Africa. That won't work." Someone said, "Peter, Paul and Mary could bring them together but Mary's gone." Chris said, "All of a sudden, every eye in the room was on me. Someone said, "you've told us that your brother is a friend of Peter Yarrow. Can he get him to come?" There was silence on the phone and brother Chris broke it saying, "Well, can you?"

My heart sank. I had a sinking feeling and I didn't want to cash in all the chips that I may or may not have had. I said, "Send me some information and I'll look at it tonight." I was in the choir room at the church when I got my brother's call. I walked back to my office, and thought, there is nothing my brother can send me that will make any difference. My brother has asked me to do something and I either can or I can't. It was about four o'clock on a Monday after noon. I called your cell phone and you answered on the third ring. I said, "Peter, this is Walter Lee." He almost shouted at me, "What are you doing in Lybia. Don't you know it's dangerous there." I said, "Peter, I'm in Texas." You said, "Oh, goodness that's good. I thought you were Skyping from Lybia. What can I do for you?" I said, "Are you aware of what's going on in Madison Wisconsin.? You said, "Yes, we're following it very closely." I related my conversation with my brother and then asked the question, "Is there any chance that you might be able to go?" There was dead silence on the phone. I don't know how long it lasted. Then you spoke. "Walter, I don't think I can leave today." You turned to your staff and said, "When can you get me in and out of Madison this week." You came back within a minute and said, "I can be there Wednesday. I'll stay over night. Tell your brother that I'm staying with him and I'll need to fly out Thursday morning. Or I can fly in and out on Friday." I'll never forget calling my brother back within 20 minutes of his call and telling him that he could have you Wednesday evening or mid-day Friday. You went on Friday and sang to a crowd estimated to be 100,000 people in frigid temperatures. Your songs and your message are still up on It's a shame that the people did not prevail.

Peter, you have done so much for so many. I will be eternally grateful for our friendship. Thank you, my friend, my brother. You will live ever in my heart. 

- Walter Lee

To my dear friend, Peter. I know people around the world will be sharing stories about how much your iconic songs have meant to them. Having grown up in the 60s, your powerful lyrics and anthems have meant so much to me too. As I have grown older, however, it’s been your unyielding activism and fight for civil rights that have meant even more. Few people have dedicated their lives -- their ever-waking hours -- to continue to fight for peace and social reform.

But having the rare opportunity to have gotten to know you through The Carter Center has meant even more. I treasure our conversations that were filled with love and laughter. I will forever value our shared work to promote respect and tolerance in schools. I think of you every day as I admire the painting you did for me. It proudly has a place in my home.

So, among the countless contributions to your legacy, your music is uniquely positioned at the center of American culture and your life’s work in social justice will continue to inspire generations. But it’s your friendship and generosity, Peter, that have touched me the most.

Peace and love,
Gail Shore
Balsam Lake, WI

Peter provided so much of the sound track of my life--not only in his music and voice, but with his indomitable spirit and values driven commitment.
Of course, If I Had a Hammer--I'd hammer out justice!, for the civil rights movement.
For Peace in Vietnam with The Great Mandala
For health care, for people with disabilities, for immigration reform, for every good cause for freedom and decency--Peter's music was there.
And PETER was there.
He often came at my request. And he most often came at his generous suggestion.
He was there to offer humor, whimsy and joy (Puff the Magic Dragon) and hope (Stewball)
He was there to call us to our better angels (Don't Laugh At Me)
and he was there to build the movement.
His children's books now populate my own grandchildren's shelves.
His voice in in my mind, his spirit in my heart. And I hope to carry on his commitments to making this a more just and caring world in all I can do.
Love you, Peter
--from Heather Booth  

Peter has been on my musical radar since the early days of Peter, Paul and Mary. My parents had several of their albums, and I listened to them regularly. Their music is still in my rotation, in fact. My fondest memory, however, is a fundraiser he attended for Senator Tammy Baldwin in 2012. Thanks to weather issues (at least I was thankful for them) he was not able to travel to his next destination after his first scheduled fundraiser. He then agreed to add a second fundraiser for Tammy in Green Bay, WI. I was fortunate to attend, and I, along with everyone else in attendance, were awed and inspired my his music, his performance, and his emotional exhortations to get out and work Tammy and President Obama. Exactly one week later, his inspiration (and the work he inspired) led to both of them emerging victorious. Despite the sorrow of the most recent presidential election, Senator Baldwin was re-elected. To me, this year's success still owes a debt to Peter from 12 years ago. Thank you, and God bless, Peter! 

- Jim Morgenstern

Dear Peter, precious friend and brother,
There are so many ways in which you have touched Trina and me and our children and grandchildren through your music, art, storytelling, and heartful sharing. You have done the same for millions of people across the world. We have seen you leverage the opportunity and responsibility that your talent, celebrity, and social capital give you to be a positive force and role model for people and groups. We have seen you give people hope, enabling them to embrace their common humanity and their connectedness to and with people whom they have never met. We have seen you uplift and unite many disparate people and groups-- even when people have been in places of grief, frustration, and despair. And we have seen you touch the hearts of leaders so that they could connect to their values and be more motivated them to do good.
Peter, you had a profound and humanizing impact on others, both directly and through others, including Trina and me. Let us share one such occasion. The setting was Dakar, Bangladesh in 2012, during a general strike. The context was work that Trina and I were doing with a wonderful NGO, BRAC. The specific occasion was a weeklong co--constructive collaboration between two Jewish Americans and 20 Islamic Bangladeshi BRAC staff. Our goal was incorporate culturally responsive social emotional learning into the 64,000 primary schools that BRAC ran for first-generation students in rural Bangladesh. The last session included a summative closing. The closing started with participants sharing what they had learned, how they felt about what they had learned it, and what they would do with what they learned. We concluded the intentionally evocative closing by listening to Palestinian and Israeli singers, Amal Murkus and David Bozer join you in singing “Don’t Bully Me” and “We Shall Overcome,” recordings that came out of your peace building work in Palestine and Israel, that you had often shared with us and others. We shared that historical context with our Bangladeshi colleagues as it was resonant with group conflict in Bangladesh. They spontaneously joined in the final song, singing We Shall Overcome in Bangla while you, Trina and I were singing in English, and Amal and David sang in Arabic and Hebrew. That 2012 memory has remained a vivid memory of an experience that reflected your biculturalism, multiculturalism, internationalism, and peacebuilding. Although we did not tape that memorable moment, we found a version of “We Shall Overcome” being sung in English, Bangla, Hindi, and Urdu, which was recorded to uplift people during Covid. We share with you in recognition of your bountiful love and great work.
Peace and love,
David and Trina Osher

My dearest friend and “Uncle” of 43 years. Where to begin? I write this to you through tears because of the love that I have for you and our friendship. You have been such an important part of my life, and for that I will always be grateful. I so admire the warm, generous, compassionate, genuine person that you are. Your humor is one of a kind, we have shared so many laughs throughout the years, we really do “get” each other. My life will forever be better because you’ve been a part of it. I wish we could have more time together, but I wanted you to know that I will always cherish the times we’ve had and the time we still have. Thank you for being you and for being a blessing in everyone’s life, especially mine and my family. I have loved our back and forth texts that are more like novels with our silly pics/emojis that you and I appreciate even if we don’t always know what they are or what they mean, lol.
You’ve done so many incredible things in your life—for your family, in your career, and for all of us who care about you. What a difference you’ve made. A person like you doesn’t come along very often. You made so many tough times easier and the best times even better. I will hold every memory we’ve made together close to my heart forever. Thank you for everything. I love you with all my heart. ~Lisa


I have been fortunate to know you for over 20 years now, ever since we met through the Guggenheim's "Learning to Read Through the Arts" program. From the moment we crossed paths, your warmth, openness, and kindness drew me to you, and we immediately became friends.

You are, without question, a one-of-a-kind man. There's a quote that comes to mind when I think of you: “A person who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” Your life has been anything but wasted, Peter. You’ve spent it pouring your energy into causes that matter, into people who need your kindness, and into creating beautiful moments of music and joy for all who are lucky enough to be around you.

Your humanitarian work, especially the creation of the Operation Respect platform, which helped Israel-Arab children connect with one another, is a testament to your belief in unity, understanding, and the power of empathy. The way you've dedicated yourself to breaking down barriers and building bridges between cultures is something that will leave an indelible mark on the world. You have made a difference—truly—a difference that echoes far beyond what most of us will ever know.

The memory of the many musical gatherings at your home, with friends and loved ones, will forever remain in my heart. You were always the most gracious, caring host, and those evenings were filled with music, laughter, and a sense of community that only you could foster. And who could forget those countless Rosh Hashanah holidays, spent with you, Valentina, Bethany, and so many others, when you would get up and sing "Puff the Magic Dragon" with such joy and spirit. Those moments, Peter, will always be with me and my family.

You will forever be remembered as “Peter,” the voice of Peter, Paul, and Mary, but to me, you are so much more. You are a true friend, a man whose kindness and generosity knew no bounds. I never had the honor of meeting Christopher in person, but I felt as though I knew him through your stories—your love for him was always so palpable, and I’m sure he is just as proud of you as we all are.

As you’ve touched the lives of so many, I want you to know that your legacy will live on in the countless people whose lives you’ve changed, the children you helped, the music you shared, and the friendships you forged.
Thank you, Peter, for being the light that you are, for showing us all what it means to live with purpose, compassion, and authenticity.

Vivian Serota

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I want you to know how deeply grateful I am for the opportunity to work alongside you in your publishing endeavors. It has been both a pleasure and an honor to witness your music come alive through your books and to play a small part in your mission to make the world a better place.

As I reflect on the incredible adventures we’ve shared while building your publishing business, one memory shines brightly: having dinner with you and Kaylee in Los Angeles after a bookstore signing event. We laughed so hard—so freely and unabashedly—that I genuinely thought we might get kicked out of the restaurant! Thankfully, we didn’t, but that moment remains etched in my heart as a reminder of how work never feels like work when you’re surrounded by people you love and respect.

We’ve shared so many wonderful experiences together—traveling to Bologna, singing with children during book tours, having dinners with Sterling, Charlie, Marcus, Kaylee and Frances and so on. It was a very fun ride for us all.

Your music and books have left an indelible mark on the world, resonating in the hearts of both children and adults. I have no doubt that your passion, creativity, and advocacy have made—and will continue to make—a meaningful difference in countless lives, inspiring others to strive for something greater.

Peter, I will miss you deeply, but your spirit will live on in my heart forever.

Thank you for sharing your light, your vision, and your spirit with me. Much Much Love, Paula  

I had the honor of seeing PP& M each Easter, when they would come to the SF Bay Area. As a budding guitarist, I studied the guitar parts and the stunning harmonies. Recently my partner Judi and I spent a week at a resort in Mexico with Peter, as he was healing. He attended our concert and proclaimed us ”Folksingers!” And invited us to perform with him at his concert. We sang “Stewball” and “Blowin’ In the WInd” and he set us up like PP&M. It was truly an out of body experience for me. I couldn’t believe it was me singing those songs. We had lunch with him in New York last year and visited him at his home. He told story afternoon story , filling in the history of the music of my life. I will never forget being at a demonstration protesting Diablo Canyon’s nuclear power plant and hearin his voice as he led us all in “Blowin’ In the Wind’. It showed me the power of music to lift the spirit and nurture hope. Thank you, Peter!  

- Bob Reid

I have been extraordinarily fortunate to spend time with Peter in a variety of settings over the years including at his beautiful home in New York, sitting around the living room singing all of the beautiful songs that he and Noel Paul and Mary gifted the universe with. He has met and supported our son who is on the spectrum and his pals at the Tarrytown Music Hall several times when they were offering their handmade candles and bracelets. I had been working with Elizabeth on a potential Operation Respect program for my upstate New York hometown after young people were prevented from inflicting terrible harm on their classmates. Covid unfortunately prevented further planning.
I was overwhelmed with happy tears when Peter walked into my surprise 65th birthday party at our friends the Clarfeld's. I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined sitting before this beautiful, loving man as he sang Happy Birthday to me and then led the entire room of friends and family in several hours of the songs that we all loved and knew so well.
My office is adorned with several of Peter's beautiful art pieces all respectfully framed, a daily reminder of the bounty of his artistic talent and gifts. There are many pictures around our home of our evenings at his home in New York and the concerts we attended and of course I have an entire photo album of the birthday party which I so treasure.
As anyone in my circle of friends and family will attest I have always and will always say of Peter that he is simply the dearest man on the planet.
Thank you Peter for all that you have given the world with your loving kindness and extraordinary talent and humanity.
Bless you and your family always. love and hugs, xox, Melanie  

My dearest Peter, one of the joys of my life has been meeting you as a result of having worked for Susan Polis Schutz for 20 years. All our time together was special, seeing that beautiful face of yours and talking with you so many times and sharing music and poetry -- it's meant the world to me. I always admired the way you believed in the goodness of people and their hope to get along together. I admired the way you brought music into the lives of young people from Israel and Pakistan, connecting them with the power of music. I admired your trips around the world and your wonderful music. I adore you, I love you, you are one of the most extraordinary human beings I've ever known.

- Kareñ Bidgood

Along with a few friends from Rancho La Puerta, she accompanied him to a concert for migrants at a shelter. People were arriving en masse on caravans, and both she and Peter had presented at “the Ranch” just the week before. He had attended all her talks, asking profound, educated questions about love and communication. It wasn’t until a few classes in that she realized he was part of the legendary trio she had gone to hear in 1962 at the College of Marin. (she knew him then as “Peter, Paul and Mary”)
That concert in 1962 had been transformative. It was the first time she understood how music could speak to her soul. She went home, replaced her Paul Newman poster with one of Peter, Paul, and Mary, and played their records on repeat, feeling as if they were speaking directly to her. That connection to their music stayed with her—and she passed it on to her friends and family. When she heard Light One Candle in 1986, she knew she’d found a guiding song for her life.
Now, decades later, she sat beside him, ready to sing for the migrants—to support and uplift fellow humans who had suffered unspeakable hardships. During the concert, she noticed a girl sitting beside her, wearing tattered clothes and flip-flops. Despite her circumstances, the girls’ gaze was clear, her smile pure. She seemed to shine with a quiet resilience.
After the concert, she turned to Peter. “That was a great concert, but we need to talk about something else,” she said. “This girl—she just got off the caravan from El Salvador. We have to keep her safe.”
“Who is she?” he asked.
“Judith,” she replied.
“How can we keep her safe?”
“I don’t know, Peter,” she admitted. “But we have to.”
She was speaking from a place deep inside her, not logical or reasonable but intuitive. Peter understood instantly. “Let’s start a non-profit,” he said. “We’ll raise money for the migrants—and keeping her safe will be central part to our work.”
Neither of them doubted they could do it. The next day, they founded One Story at a Time, arranged the first concert in her hometown of Corvallis, Oregon, and helped Judith’s family find shelter, safety and a new life.
From that first connection, One Story grew, offering safety, education, and hope to countless people in need. Orquesta Guadalupe was born under the dedicated care of Ron Wakefield, several kids were encouraged and then sponsored to finish school and go on to college , medical needs were cared for, eyeglasses purchased and a badly burned child was supported to go to Shriners in the USA. Along the way, the two of them forged a friendship so profound that they became part of each other’s families.
Their bond was unshakeable, filled with trust and honesty. In their darkest moments, they called each other. In brighter times, they shared bad jokes that were always funny.
When she turned 80, Peter promised he would be there. True to his word, even as the cancer moved swiftly, he set up a Zoom call from NYC to Portland. He filled the room with his magic, exuberance, and unwavering belief in peace and kindness. He made everyone laugh and weep at the same time—it was his special gift.
My darling Peter, because of the work you have done all your life, and despite those who have tried to extinguish it, your light has never gone out. And it won’t now. Even as you leave us, it will continue to shine through the millions of lives you’ve touched and cared for. One of the deepest blessings of my life is our friendship—knowing your beautiful family, making mischief, and creating magic together for so many years.

- Linda Carroll

My Brother, word has reached us that your challenges are great and that your spirit is indomitable. I am glad and honored to be among the cohort of your loved ones, collaborators, and allies, and to contribute something for you at this time. The message is simple: I love you; and in this declaration I speak for Liam and Katrina who know of what I speak and do likewise. I have been invited to remenisce with you about our times together now measured in decades: from our firsrt collaboration with Rod Kennedy (who would be here had he not gone before) over the Napa Folk Festival. Do you remember the night our dear Odetta was having so much fun that she wouldn’t leave the stage? or the day you married me and Katrina in the park; don’t forget the wedding ring you found for me and the hilarious way you carried away my ring size with a trinket-ring purchased at a seedy deli near the bus stop where we were awaiting the airporter; to the extraordinary trips to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Viet Nam; to the seranade (Day Is Done) we gave to Alex in his cell over the telephone the night before his paarole hearing; to the dress rehearsals before Carneigie Christmas programs; to the gifts you were always finding for Liam; through love affairs and painful breakups; the incubabtion of Don’t Laugh At Me. It is hard to stop. Where does the list end? It doesn’t. Remembering that memories are inherently retrospective, and that there is also the future, I remind myself that over the decades we have been absent from one another far more days than not. But I have not felt apart from you during those absences. I have always been able to find you in the light dancing in the trees, and grass, and flowers, and - of course - in the music. This togetherness I do not expect to leave you and me - ever. With all our heart, Bro Gene, Katrina, and Liam  

I’m 72 and you’ve been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a teenager, you made me think about war on a very personal level, “Cruel War,” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone”. Then my next door neighbor in the small town where I grew up and everyone felt like extended family, was killed in Vietnam. “Blowing in the Wind”
In college I sold my viola to buy a guitar so I could play and sing. I bought all your cassettes and later, CDs. I got my first teaching credential when schools were cutting music from the curriculum. For the next 21 years, my students, from 6th grade through high school, would sit on the floor learning many of your songs from stapled copies of a mimeographed song book.
I especially want to thank you for one particular song, “Weave Me the Sunshine.” It has been my musical mantra through many hard times and I am so grateful!
A few years ago, I saw you and Paul at Freight and Salvage in Berkeley, California. The entire concert filled my heart to overflowing, but when you sang, “Weave Me the Sunshine,” I felt like you were telling me for a lifetime to keep faith and hope, to carry on in goodness and love! Thank you, Peter Yarrow, for your profound influence in guiding and strengthening me to help the light of this world to grow.
In love and gratitude,
Cathy Lair